Carlo Thränhardt & Steffen Chalupny will be on air with the Radio Show “MAKING THE PLAY“
On 7/24/18, Carlo Thränhardt & Steffen Chalupny will be on air with the Radio Show “MAKING THE PLAY”, the CHANGE MAKER RADIO (out of Baltimore (MD), USA, with the famous host DAVE BRIGLIO.
MAKING THE PLAY pursues the idea and spirit, that work can feel like play – it’s not always easy, but it’s always a worth it in the end, whether it’s for sports, school or work. The Radio Show is on mission to help other teachers, coaches and mentors amplify the influence they have on students, athletes, and working professionals.
A lot of common phrases and words, like “winning” and “success” will get turned slightly to give you a new perspective and see how to better help those you serve and be happier as you do it.
In this episode you’ll hear:
• How to approach exceptionality in thought & action, from a renewed international sport/business coach and from a world-famous Olympic and record-setting high jumper.
• How we can use sports psychology to enable and transform people
• How these methods translate to individuals, families and groups outside of sports.
Stay tuned.