#BevermannAcademy (BA) | Carlo Thränhardt and Steffen Chalupny will be on air with a U.S. Radio Show MAKING THE PLAY (Complete3 with the famous host Dave Briglio).
Amongst others, we strongly question the concept of work-life-balance, that divides life between
• work (as an instrument of torture, doing things without joy for the reasons to pay bills and mortgages, thus to have more enjoyment)
• and fun.
Couple of questions in addition:
• is watering your vege garden in the evening an inconvenience or a pleasure?
• is washing the dishes a have-to or a get-to?
• is helping your clients solve their problems an agony or an interesting challenge?
• is leading your people a burden, an on-top effort with little time assigned to or it is a day-2-day honor?
We think, generally, work should be play. Love what you do – it’s great fun and it doesn’t feel like work.
What’s your take on this?
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